Dancer at Heart

There are many things in my life that give me purpose; many things that feel like life is breathed into me. The one I want to talk about is one my most favourite ways to tell a story, Dance! What does this have to do with health, and why do you want to write about it? Well for one, dance is a form of exercise, and two without a passion or a something that drives us in life we can sometimes fall short or flat. Sometimes sharing testimonies or passions will spark passion in someone else. And one of my main purposes in starting this blog was to educate and inspire people to become their best selves through health; all aspects of health.

What is it that sparks something in my brain to be creative and live? I decided to do a little research to see if there is some background information on the subject. For those of you who may not know listening to music increases neurotransmitter dopamine, this is the brains “motivation molecule”, and a part of the pleasure/reward system. This is the same brain chemical responsible for the feel-good state that eating chocolate puts you in, and similar to a “runner’s high.” I love chocolate and I can’t tell you how much I used to eat back in my teen years! It’s crazy to think that listening to music can do these same things.

So why do I love to dance? There are so many instances when I was dancing or when I watched a dance where something just shifted. I have never been more inspired or motivated to do anything than after dancing. It puts me in this state where I feel like I can do anything. There’s also something about telling a story that gets me excited. I never thought there was such a powerful way to get a message out or make a statement than through dance. If you’ve ever seen me dance which most of you have not, you would know that I’m not top notch, or a naturally talented dancer. You would never see me on so you think you can dance, or any of those shows; this is not because of a lack of self-esteem, or a reason to look for attention. I don’t dance to be the best; I dance because it makes me feel good and gives me a joy that some things can’t. One of my favorite quotes is from the step up 3 movie when the character Luke begins the movie by explaining people who are “born to dance” or the phrase “born from a boom box.” I may not be born to dance, but I feel like everyone has their way of expressing themselves in some sort of art whether they are naturally talented or not. You can bet when any type of music comes on my first thought is dance!

I wanted to post a video of my brother’s duet because it is one of the most inspiring pieces I’ve seen. Again it isn’t about how good they danced, or any of that. They did an amazing job, but what makes it one of my favorites is the passion of those dancers and what they carry, and what they were able to give. It also hit me more because of how proud I am of both of them. I have known them both for quite some time and to see them work so hard to come up with something so beautiful just amazes me. If you go ahead and check out my Instagram page you can find maybe 3 videos of me dancing, one serious and the rest for fun! I love to dance and even if I don’t take classes anymore that will not stop me from expressing myself; and to add a bonus it’s a great way to get exercise! Also check out one of my favorite SYTYCD YouTube videos below!

My favorite style to dance is probably hip hop lyrical, and my favorite to watch is usually hip hop, modern and contemporary! Which style do you find yourself always going back to?


How Music Affects the Brain

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